One of the staff here at Video Professor recently attended a business conference. Presenters included top people in their field.
When he got back he remarked that every presentation over the 3 days was done using PowerPoint. A reminder of what a popular presentation tool this powerful program remains.
In any office environment, there are two types of people: Those conducting the PowerPoint presentation and those watching.
Guess who gets noticed and remembered, especially at review time?
How are your PowerPoint skills? Know a little, or little at all?
Either way, Video Professor’s “Learn PowerPoint®” tutorial is a must-have way to learn a must-have skill in today’s competitive job market.
Like all Video Professor lessons, you learn as you do and lessons are available on CD-ROM or by Video Professor Online.
So if you’d like to be noticed instead of being part of the crowd, and as the boss says, Try my product®.”